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Portsmouth Daily Times redevelopment faces new hearing after challenge by NH Business Review for Jeff McMenemy-Portsmouth Herald

Portsmouth Daily Times redevelopment faces new hearing after challenge by NH Business Review for Jeff McMenemy-Portsmouth Herald
Daily Times Building Portsmouth

New designs show the latest plans for the redevelopment of the former Daily Times building site in Portsmouth. (Courtesy of Michael J. Keane Architects, provided by City of Portsmouth)

The major downtown mixed-use project proposed for the former Daily Times building site — and adjacent properties — was slated to be discussed again at a Zoning Board of Adjustment hearing Tuesday, March 18.

Developer Peter Floros and his team are proposing to build a new four-story mixed-use building at 266-278 State St. in the heart of Portsmouth’s historic downtown at the corner of State, Pleasant and Church streets, according to documents filed with the city.

The board in November voted to grant a number of variances developers needed to redevelop the site.

But the owners of an adjacent property located at 92-94 Pleasant St., Working Stiff Properties, convinced the board in February to hold a rehearing on one of the variances that was granted.

New designs show the latest plans for the redevelopment of the former Daily Times building site in Portsmouth.“As voted on at the February 19, 2025 meeting, the request for Variance 2(b) will be the only relief considered in the rehearing,” Principal Planner Jillian Harris said in a memo to board members.

The variance which is the subject of the rehearing allows for a “fourth story addition at 50 feet in height to the Church Street elevation, where three full stories and a short fourth are allowed with 45 feet maximum height permitted,” Harris said.

Read the full story at Portsmouth Herald.

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