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FedPoint joins Military Spouse Employment Partnership Program by NH Business Review for NH Business Review Staff

FedPoint joins Military Spouse Employment Partnership Program by NH Business Review for NH Business Review Staff
Fedpoint Military Spouse Partnership

Pictured at the recent MSEP induction ceremony are (from left): Lee Kelley, principal director, Military Community; Family Policy; Timothy Dill, assistant secretary of defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; Jeffrey Enger, principal deputy, Manpower and Reserve Affairs; and FedPoint’s Talent Acquisition Specialist Jocelyn Allen. (Courtesy photo)

FedPoint, a federal benefits administrator and marketplace operator, has joined the Military Spouse Employment Partnership Program (MSEP), which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

MSEP is a targeted recruitment and employment solution focused on connecting military spouses looking for career opportunities with employers who are actively recruiting. Since its inception in 2011, MSEP has grown to include more than 850 employer and nonprofit partners that have reported hiring more than 340,000 military spouses.

“Behind every man and woman in uniform is a family who shares in the sacrifice and the commitment to service,” said FedPoint CEO Kevin Hill. “For military spouses, in particular, the demands of supporting a service member’s unpredictable schedule and potential need to periodically relocate can create barriers to securing and maintaining meaningful employment. Joining MSEP puts FedPoint in a position to help military spouses pursue impactful careers in the private sector while benefiting from the skills they bring to the workplace. Our continued efforts to provide world-class benefits administration to our service members is strengthened by the work of military spouses, many of whom are already familiar with the benefits programs we administer, as enrollees.”

According to the 2024 Military Lifestyle Survey conducted by Blue Star Families, military spouse employment is a top issue of concern, with 54% of active-duty spouse respondents citing it as the most pressing challenge their families faced. Among currently employed military spouses, the majority (66%) reported experiencing some level of underemployment based on work experience or education level. Additionally, 77% of those who took the survey said two incomes are vital for their families’ well-being.

“MSEP’s pledge to provide quality employment readiness assistance is a crucial step in confronting these military spouse workforce issues. We will continue to do our part as an employer,” added Hill.

Nearly 10% of FedPoint’s workforce is either a veteran or military spouse. The company, which offers a variety of flexible full-time and part-time jobs, has been previously recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor’s HIRE Vets Medallion Program and currently holds the distinction of Veteran-Friendly Business from the NH Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services and by the NH Employment Security office.

Categories: Government, News
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