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Charting sustainability progressNH Business ReviewZeina Eyceoz

Charting sustainability progressNH Business ReviewZeina Eyceoz

New Hampshire businesses are increasingly prioritizing sustainability, and the recently published Measure What Matters (MWM) Impact Report by New Hampshire Businesses for Social Responsiblity offers valuable insights into their progress.

The MWM survey helps organizations assess their sustainability practices, policies and programs across six impact areas. By setting goals and tracking progress, businesses can achieve greater sustainability in a focused and effective way.

The 2023 survey saw participation from many organizations across diverse industries, including professional services, manufacturing, nonprofit and health care. These organizations were categorized by size: small (1 to 20 employees), medium (21 to 100 employees) and large (more than 100 employees). Here are some key findings:

Climate and Energy: While most companies have adopted energy-saving measures like LED lighting and smart thermostats, they have been slow to adopt important measures to progress on climate action. Only 36% track their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 52% track energy usage, pointing to a need for increased awareness and support for GHG accounting. Measuring is the first step in managing GHG emissions and setting reduction goals. The adoption of renewable energy practices like on-site renewables and renewable energy credits remains steady at 45%. This highlights the need for stronger policy initiatives to motivate more businesses to switch to renewable sources and lessen their climate impact.

Sustainability Programs: The survey revealed a spectrum of sustainability efforts, ranging from comprehensive programs to early-stage implementation. Some organizations have embraced product stewardship, waste reduction and goal tracking, while others are just starting to integrate these practices. This underscores the evolving nature of environmental sustainability, with many companies recognizing its importance.

Workplace Impact: The survey results paint a mixed picture of employee well-being. Many companies were able to absorb health care cost increases, offer telehealth services and provide mental health benefits. However, the average employee turnover rate jumped to 17% in 2023 from 10% the prior year. This suggests that, while employee well-being initiatives are expanding, retaining talent remains a challenge. There was a growing trend of flexible work schedules and a reconsideration of equitable and flexible benefits to better suit employees’ individual needs.

Community Engagement: Business responses highlight a strong commitment to community engagement. An impressive 86% of companies donate to charities, 83% participate in community service, and 55% offer paid volunteer hours. These practices demonstrate a focus on positive community impact.

Governance: Results pointed to the need for stronger engagement with external stakeholders. Formal processes like surveys and focus groups can gather stakeholder input. Advisory boards and communication plans can further strengthen stakeholder relationships, leading to better decision-making and building trust. This can improve overall performance and reputation.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): While most organizations offer DEI training, initiatives like employee resource groups and targeted job postings are less prevalent. Increasing these practices can foster a more inclusive work environment. Additionally, promoting diversity in leadership positions can drive broader organizational change and benefit all stakeholders.

New Hampshire businesses can collectively advance toward greater sustainability and social responsibility by collaborating and sharing knowledge. Each year, the NHBSR Sustainability Awards celebrate the top performers in each impact category identified by the MWM survey. These awards acknowledge the work of regional organizations and inspire others to strive for similar achievements.

We invite you to explore the white paper in detail and to take the MWM 101 Survey this fall. Both can be found at The survey is free and open to all organizations. The Impact Report is made public and shared with all participants. Customized reports and recommendations are available by request at an additional cost to allow organizations to track individual progress, identify areas for improvement, and receive valuable insights through customized reports and recommendations.

Categories: Business Advice