The Billionaire’s Deal

Names have been changed in the following. It’s not the end of the month yet. I can still work towards that 12,000+ goal! But I am at 8. I’m standing at 8! Did Glenn Stearns earn the full million in season one of the Undercover Billionaire? Nope. Not at all….

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The Billionaire Brick Wall

Drawing a parallel to their own hectic day juggling various responsibilities including real estate negotiations and teaching commitments, the author shares the realization that seeking advice from a business coach could be a beneficial next step in their journey.

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The Billionaire’s Setback

Back in the day, I used to write for Beavercreek News-Current, a little conglomerate suburban daily. A whole slew of newspapers were under the conglomerate: The Fairborn Daily Herald, The Enon Times, The Kettering Sentinel. We wrote about school board meetings and shopping mall developments in the shadow of Wright…

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WINning the Home Inspection Industry

Dive into the entrepreneurial journey of Scott and Stephanie Loigon as they carve out a successful path in the home inspection industry. From law enforcement to running a daycare, their diverse background laid a rich foundation for their business acumen. Learn how they navigated the initial hurdles of starting a business, their approach to building strong relationships with realtors, and their commitment to continuous learning and collaboration.

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