Stacking Tranches: My Billionaire Epiphany

One of the greatest books I’ve read has been The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan. The book emphasizes focusing on that one critical activity that, when pursued relentlessly, can create a domino effect, leading to the achievement of your most significant goals. The book’s about narrowing your focus to excel in the one area that has the most impact.

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The Monday Blueprint

The real estate market is often viewed through the lens of numbers—percentages, sales volumes, and median prices. While these metrics are essential for understanding market trends, they aren’t the sole determinants when making life-changing decisions. The Monday Blueprint aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the New Hampshire real estate…

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The Undercover Billionaire Kool-Aid

I have a confession. I’ve cheated on reaching my $12,738.75 September goal. Hey! My game, my rules! 😊 Seriously though. I knew this blog was going to be a big part of reaching my goal. It’s a way of holding myself accountable by forcing myself to provide you with something…

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