Realoq launches new ‘360-degree’ data solution by Kennedy Edgerton for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire Real estate marketing startup Realoq is launching a new data solution for brokers and agents. The new “360-degree product experience” will help brokerages and real estate professionals access data, manage listings and ensure accuracy. Rexdat — a technology firm offering a subscription-based, cloud-powered, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform—powers the new tool….

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Retirement age for NH judges will remain 70, after ballot question narrowly fails by NH Business Review for Olivia Richardson -NH Public Radio

A map showing the mandatory age for judges to retire by state. (2022 data from The mandatory retirement age for New Hampshire judges will remain 70 years old, after a constitutional amendment on the ballot in last Tuesday’s election narrowly failed to gain enough support. Just under 66% of…

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