NH immigration advocates urge Ayotte away from widespread deportations by NH Business Review for Lau Guzmán – NH Public Radio

More than 100 advocates, faith leaders, and other New Hampshire residents signed on to a letter this week urging Gov.-elect Kelly Ayotte to not cooperate with mass deportation efforts under the next Trump administration. One of the people behind the letter, organizer Grace Kindeke with the American Friends Service Coalition,…

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Loss-mitigation waterfalls face a murky future under Trump administration by Flávia Furlan Nunes for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire Mortgage servicers have spent the past couple of years watching as federal housing agencies adopted various strategies to help borrowers who entered forbearance due to the COVID-19 pandemic but struggled to exit due to rising interest rates.  Now they have a request for the incoming Trump administration — standardization…

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