Federal judge blocks transgender sports ban law in temporary injunction by NH Business Review for Ethan Dewitt-New Hampshire Bulletin

Attorney Chris Erchull (left) speaks outside U.S. District Court of New Hampshire on behalf of Parker Tirrell (right) after a U.S. District Court judge temporarily blocked a law barring transgender girls from girls’ sports teams from taking effect on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024. (Photo by Ethan DeWitt, New Hampshire Bulletin)…

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Opinion: A rebuttal to Steve Broebeck and the CFA’s anticompetitive price fixing position by Joseph Ventrone for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire I have known Steve for over 40 years and respect him as a leader of a consumer organization that represents consumers on policy issues that impact their financial stability. We worked together during my days on the House Banking Committee, working to improve dealing with the federal flood insurance…

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