Labrie brothers take another shot at Portsmouth apartment building plan by NH Business Review for Jeff McMenemy-Portsmouth Herald

Peter and Michael Labrie are seeking to redevelop the former Lafayette Animal Hospital site at 2059 Lafayette Road in Portsmouth. (Photo by Jeff McMenemy, Seacoastonline) Developers and restaurant owners Michael and Peter Labrie are proposing to redevelop a property they own off Lafayette Road with an eight-unit apartment building. An…

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Dustin Owen, Lauren Walton guide originators on business development, reaching the top 1% by Kennedy Edgerton for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire A new episode of “The Loan Officer Podcast” aims to teach mortgage originators how to leverage tools and grow their businesses. Host Dustin Owen and Lauren Walton, a senior loan officer at Lower-backed Gerber Group, sit down to teach viewers how to move from the call-center model to retail…

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CRMLS, Bright MLS team up to offer reciprocal access to home listings by Brooklee Han for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire The nation’s two largest MLSs are teaming up yet again. On Wednesday, the California Regional MLS (CRMLS) and Mid-Atlantic-based Bright MLS announced that they will be offering subscribers reciprocal data access, or “guest access,” to reach other’s listings. CRMLS currently has more than 127,000 active listings and Bright MLS…

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