LoanSnap troubles continue as California revokes its lender license by Neil Pierson for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire A California regulator has revoked the residential mortgage lending license of LoanSnap, the latest in a series of difficulties for the fintech lender. According to a filing from the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation dated Oct. 18, LoanSnap had its license revoked after it failed to renew…

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Dems and GOP agree: The state of retirement in the U.S. is concerning by Chris Clow for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire Despite rampant political polarization, a majority of people affiliated with the Democratic and Republican parties agree that the state of retirement in the U.S. is concerning. This is according to a recent survey conducted by the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS). An overwhelming majority of Republicans (81%), Independents…

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Portsmouth takes ‘giant step’ to create more housing with new zoning district by NH Business Review for Jeff McMenemy-Portsmouth Herald

Commerce Avenue in Portsmouth could see housing development along with existing offices. (Photo by Deb Cram/Seacoastonline) The City Council took a crucial step this week in its efforts to encourage the development of new housing in Portsmouth. The council voted unanimously to pass second reading of a Gateway Neighborhood Overlay…

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