What are the first steps in the home buying process?

Assemble a vast pile of money.
No, seriously.
Here’s a step-by-step break down of the steps in the home buying process:

1. Assess Your Financial Situation
-Save for a Down Payment
-Build an Emergency Fund
-Check Your Credit Score
2. Get Pre-Approved for a Mortgage
-Identify Potential Issues
3. Hire a Realtor
4. Start House Hunting
5. Make an Offer and Close the Deal

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A Vast Pile of Money:

There are only two ways to create money: reduce expenses or make more. Personal austerity rarely works, but strategic budgeting can help. Every quarter, I play a game of red light/green light with my finances, cutting unnecessary costs and keeping essential ones. Making more money can be tougher, but side hustles and business ownership offer potential. Building an emergency fund and paying off debt are crucial steps towards financial freedom. Remember, your assets can generate income without your direct involvement. Start small, seek advice, and stay committed to your financial journey.

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Navigating the complexities of the 2024 real estate market can feel like deciphering a maze of statistics and forecasts. Concerns about high interest rates and skyrocketing home prices are valid and echo many potential homeowners’ sentiments. Place will always be tied to the human psyche. The big blue house in Mount Victory, Ohio, where I grew up, remains part of my soul. You can’t put a price tag on that.

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