Why new home sales are disappointing, despite beating estimates by Logan Mohtashami for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire Today’s new home sales report beat market expectations, just like last week’s existing home sales report. However, a detailed analysis of the data explains why housing permits continue to remain at recession-level figures. Builders are struggling to get clarity on how many homes they can sell in this rate…

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CFPB warns consumers about home equity contracts, comparing their features to reverse mortgages by Chris Clow for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) this month published an issue spotlight that takes a closer look at home equity contracts, or what the industry refers to as home equity investments (HEIs) that offer a lump sum payment to clients in exchange for a stake in their home equity….

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