Capitulation: Why buyers and sellers are ready to move by David P. Wickert for HousingWire

HousingWireHousingWire Inaction is easy. It’s quiet; unwritten; immune from critique. It sits undone; confidently static. But if buyers and sellers were compelled to transcribe their inaction, it would read like a sociopath’s diary entry: “We could have watched you grow up, but your grandpa and me weren’t willing to give…

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NH Community Behavioral Health Association by NH Business Review for NH Business Review Staff

The NH Community Behavioral Health Association (NHCBHA) is comprised of 10 community mental health centers (CMHCs) in New Hampshire. Mission Statement: Through advocacy and leadership, we develop the relationships and systems to ensure the sustainability of high-quality behavioral health care. Year Established:  2002; Majority of the CMHCs were established in…

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